Local councils’ best efforts at maintaining pool facilities may not be enough to stop many from closing, with Canterbury Pool in Sydney’s south-west being the latest victim. It follows reports from this week about financial pressures causing reduced opening hours at some public pools; particularly concerning are cost overruns on projects like North Sydney Olympic Pool whose cost overruns will no doubt affect future refurbishment projects.
Sydney may be best-known for its iconic opera house and bridge, but less is known about its equally beloved pool culture. Sydney boasts more ocean pools than any other city worldwide and serves as a major draw for swim tourists.
A new book, The Pools of Sydney, showcases Sydney’s rich pool history by taking readers on an eye-opening journey to visit some of its finest. Additionally, this work highlights how these pools embody values such as equality, diversity, tolerance and mateship that go far beyond mere swimming holes.
As our world becomes ever more divisive, it is essential that we remember our common ground, often found through swimming and water sports. At The Pools of Sydney we celebrate these shared spaces while encouraging individuals and communities alike to make a difference through engagement and participation.
Visits to the pool can provide the whole family an opportunity to come together, enjoy healthy living and learn swimming safely. Indulging in this activity also gives children an excellent opportunity to develop their swimming abilities while building skills safely. Indulge yourself – swimming pools offer wonderful respite from everyday stresses!
Whenever building a pool, certain safety standards must be met. First is making sure the fence surrounding it stands at least 1.2 metres from the ground and automatically closes and latches closed when opened or closed automatically by self-latching mechanisms. Also make sure the gate opens away from your pool before closing securely after use; and lastly check that your builder has sufficient insurance protection during construction as well as throughout your warranty period.
Check if any trees on your property are protected by preservation orders; if so, cutting them down may not be allowed and should be verified with your council before proceeding with this task. If uncertain, seek assistance from their office immediately.
Additionally, it’s essential to discover whether digging your pool is allowed. If not, permits may need to be obtained prior to beginning work. When selecting your builder and reading all terms and conditions carefully – and getting a detailed quote with terms and conditions listed for comparison of previous pools constructed by that company!